Deloraine Celtic Music Weekend
The Deloraine Celtic Music Weekend will be held on the Australia Day weekend in January 2025. It aims to encourage people to enjoy Traditional Celtic Music in a variety of ways. It focuses on tuition with acclaimed tutors who play and teach traditional Irish music. It caters for all abilities, but it helps if you already know your instrument.
There is also a bush dance on Saturday night where all dances will be taught, and the band is the Session Players Tasmania Ceili band that consists largely of our weekend tutors. Then our tutors will be further showcased in a concert on Sunday night, for people to enjoy the full capabilities of what this wonderful music genre can reach.
There are also late-night traditional Celtic Music sessions, based around the Empire Hotel and the Meander Valley Performing Arts Centre.
For the weekend program, full details and ticketing, go to https://tassessions.com/deloraine-celtic-music-weekend-2025/