Tasmanian Tractor Pull Challenge 2023

Saturday 2nd December - Sunday 3rd December

9:30am - 5:00pm

At Red Hills Memorial Park, Red Hills Red Hills TAS 7304, Australia

$15 pp, U16 free. EFTPOS available at the gate.

0409 965 712


Book Tickets

Event Website

Deloraine Tractor pull is on again on the 2nd and 3rd of December at Redhills Memorial Park 525 Molecreek Road Deloraine.

Bring your tractor along - or just the family

There will be kids entertainment, food and drinks and some high octane pulling!

$15 p/person under 16 free - get your tickets online at launcestontickets.com.au or at the gate

Eftpos available

2023-12-02 09:30:00
2023-12-03 17:00:00