Jade Austen Chasm Falls

Lower Chasm Falls in Meander | © 2021 Jade Austen. All rights Reserved.

A short walk through temperate rainforest at the edge of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area.

There are three sets of falls on Smoko Creek which are accessed via Ironstone Track in the Meander Forest Reserve. The first two waterfalls are picturesque, fringed by ferns and moss covered boulders. Further along the track, Chasm Falls proper was once visible from a log bridge that straddled the sandstone ledges on either side of the creek. Now the track has been rerouted owing to the fact that the bridge no longer exists. 

Time: 2 hours return

Grade: 3: Some bushwalking experience recommended. The track is rocky and difficult to follow in places, take care to follow track markers.

Download the PDF handout here.

There is now a new footbridge over Mother Cummings Rivulet at the start of the walk to Chasm Falls.

For more information contact the Great Western Tiers Visitor Centre.

98 -100 Emu Bay Road, Deloraine
03) 6362 5280
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